My Apparent Daily Hallows

What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

This took more time to think about and pick than I thought it would to be honest!

I suppose my first object would probably be my Kobo e-Reader. Even if I don’t read on it every day, I do at least have it around or with me most of the time. I am always updating my books so I’ve got something new to read all the time.

The second one has got to be a water bottle. I have one with me all of the time, everywhere I go. I do actually need to get a new one sometime soon.

I guess… my watch is my last object as the only times I am not wearing it are when it’s charging or when I’m showering. I can’t be up and about or leave the house without it because I never use my phone as my “watch”.

The Art of Folding People is Top Tier Magic

What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

My favourite sports to watch are easily BJJ, UFC, Rugby and Hockey.

Now, my favourite sports to actually do/play are BJJ, Muay Thai, and Rugby.

I haven’t played rugby in a lot of years, but I know I would still enjoy it so much. I should see if there is some kind of adult league in the area that I could maybe join? Hmmmm ~~~

I don’t take Muay Thai as serious because I enjoy BJJ so much, but I like that it makes me more rounded and they honesly compliment each other so well.

I’ve been seriously doing BJJ for 3 years and it is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. For so many reasons! I have general confidence in myself, I hold myself differently knowing what I know now. It’s literally a whole other family that is soooo supportive and along for the journey with you. They want to enjoy it with you and also see you get better at the sport! For overall fitness it’ll do the trick, regular rolling is tough!

When my non-verbal autistic son started BJJ he wouldn’t even let me touch him, his behaviour was very erratic + volatile, he didn’t speak at all, or positively vocalize much of anything outside gibberish.

Fast forward 3 years and now he has this community of people that engage with him genuinely and I am beyond grateful that the head instructor was incredible enough to give it a shot. To try something different and is, in my opinion, the absolutely definition of inclusivity! My kiddo laughs out loud, while engaging with various genders + sizes of people with a skill set that not only keeps him regulated, but is also self-defense. He is literally a-ok with 6ft+ men grappling with him AND he thinks it’s the most fun thing ever! He is speaking more than ever and using sign language independently and this is only happening because of jits. He is engaged in having communication partners AKA friends. To me, BJJ is literally magic. My son’s life and my own would be sooooo different if it wasn’t apart of our daily lives.

5 Years Later ~ small update

I randomly decided to come and do a Bucketlist update. It sorely needed it as things have changed on it and I’ve also completed quite a few things on it as well.

Not sure that any regular posting is gonna happen simply because I don’t always hop on my computer, or phone, every day. Plus, things are rather busy most of the time and blogging is so terribly far down on the list of things to do for myself on any given day.

I started working mostly on the admin side of things for a local photography company – Voth Photography – last February and I am enjoying it so much! It’s a small team, but they are all incredible and the shoots are always so enjoyable too!

Also, I was given the opportunity to help with the self-defense seminars that we do via the BJJ club – Alliance Kelowna – both at the club and outside of it as well. I was ecstatic when my head instructor asked if I would like to help with these sessions and I immediately said the biggest YES ~~ haha

I hope I continue to get the chance to help out with those because I LOVE doing them and BJJ for self-defense is something I am so passionate ’cause it actually works!!

Probably not much else to type up at the moment as the morning is already getting busy, busy, busy! But, I am looking forward to posting more stuff at least on a semi regular basis 😀

Well hello there ~

It has been some time since I last posted here. Instagram tends to be the only place that I semi-regularly get anything posted these days!

I’ve fully transitioned my daily writings and question to a written journal and I’ll probably keep that way. It’s easier for me to jot things down throughout the day and I can take it out with me too. Plus, I combine it with my daily collage as well so I don’t foresee me switching back to digital entries. Perhaps in the future if I decide to only occasionally journal, but it’s been a great outlet for me to date.

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Day 48 ~ cleaning machine and some rep gains

Day Forty-Eight ~ September 19, 2018

Spent most of the day cleaning things up around the house, especially from my son’s room. I did a little re-arranging in there too. It kind of surprises me at how messy he can be and yet I know just how chaotic most ten-year old rooms actually are so it shouldn’t be remotely shocking! Some things are definitely age appropriate with him and some things most certainly are not haha

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Day 45 ~ carry on bummer butt

Day Forty-Five ~ September 16th, 2018

We had a fun outing to Bertram Creek Park this afternoon and we even missed all the random rain showers! It was nice to get out while the weather doesn’t suck yet and honestly just chill for a bit. I don’t typically get to have much interaction with other people, adults especially, at these kinds of things so it’s never all that relaxing for me normally. At least things went really well today though and everything ended on a successful note.

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Day 42 ~ getting back into it

Day Forty-Two ~ September 13th, 2018

I nearly talked myself out of a run this afternoon and I’m glad that I didn’t. It’s been a few days since I last did one so a less than stellar performance in m opinion, but at least I did it anyway!

Summer is basically over here and the temps are getting cooler quicker than normal it feels like. Out on the trampoline for a bit this evening when the sun’s gone down and my toes were freezing. It feels great during the day, but the evenings already need a sweater.

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Day 36 ~ childhood snippets

Day Thirty-Six ~ September 7th, 2018

Just under a month for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey **happy dancing** I can’t wait! It looks like they built off all the awesome new game play for Origins and added some extra rad things. Not long to go now, but it is tough to wait for this game!! Fingers crossed that I stay so busy with the kid’s school schedule that I don’t even notice the time going by anymore.


Day 35 ~ some winter plans

Day Thirty-Five ~ September 6th, 2018

Between the infected tooth last week and then the antibiotics to combat that destroying me I opted for the hand written journal the last handful of days. Sitting down to type took a little too much effort when my body wasn’t remotely jiving with the fully upright business. Thankfully I am starting to feel better and the toothie culprit will be yanked out next week!

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Day 29 ~ music to my ear nubs

Day Twenty-Nine ~ August 31st,2018

It’s been a productive morning so far! I was up so early, before 4am, but didn’t get out of bed until 4:30am. I’ve already sorted out so many emails and messages for my son’s school stuff, programs and therapies. I am rather impressed with myself this morning. I know I will be quite bagged by the time mid-afternoon rolls around though. Here’s hoping that my second wind picks up quickly!

I don’t think we have anything going on today so I’m definitely going to use it to get things done on my list and around the house. It would be so glorious to knock off more than half of those things today and then have plenty of time to relax over the weekend. Guess I’ll see how it looks by the end of the day 😀
