Days 61 to 64 ~ daily gratitude

I seem to have gotten into a bad habit with these posts…. I shall attempt to get this back as a daily routine!

Day 61

I’m Grateful For/That…

(1) glitter crafts ~

(2) getting caught up on TV shows. And the new season of Hannibal is started now. YAY!!

(3) several new book titles coming out this coming week that I have been waiting for. Namely, Mentats of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson ~~~ !!!! So excited, I’ve waited for a very long time!

(4) super mushroom soup

(5) I got to see a couple off old co-workers tonight 🙂 I miss them!

Day 62

Days 57 & 58 ~ daily gratitude

I got sssssoooooooo distracted by my Knights of the Old Republic game yesterday….. I ended up playing like 8-9 hours in total *yikes* !!!

Day 57

I’m Grateful For/That…
(1) getting some stuff printed that I really needed

(2) second-hand clothes

(3) my computer should be fixed within the next couple days

(4) my new light that looks like a little robot. I’ve named him Fred!

(5) winning free coffees on “Roll Up the Rim” from Tim Hortons

Day 58