Day 8 ~ mustering up the positive vibes

Day 8 ~ December 9th, 2016

The snow finally came yesterday and continued until some time into the night/early morning. It’s been a few years since we’ve had snow for Christmas, it’s actually a little strange, but it’s rather pretty too. I don’t mind when it snows as it means the temperature has to warm up some so that’s better than a clear, sunny day. Those days are absolutely freezing! Especially if it’s windy out too *shivers*

I had my biopsy yesterday morning at the hospital and I got in earlier than my appointment because I ended up being an hour early for it. That was really nice, and unexpected, of the nurses on shift there to do that for me. With it snowing I knew that buses would likely not be on schedule (and I didn’t even know when the bus came either), so I just left with enough of buffer to save me if I ended up being super late. It definitely worked out in my favour 🙂

As for how it went, well it went fine I suppose. I am now just waiting to find out results of all the little bits they took. A minor surgery is going to be required to remove a lesion, the abnormal cells area is bigger than anticipated, but probably won’t happen until the new year. The doctor could tell this right away before she did any tissue samples. I guess I will find out more once my results come back and she gives me a call. Right now all I am hoping for is no cancer… but that there is a larger than expected mass where there shouldn’t be one is extremely worrisome. Fingers crossed it comes back negative!

Now I’m gonna work on some computer stuff before I get sick of sitting in front of a screen for the night.

Cheers ~ ✌