Day 51 ~ focus change, new goals

Day 51 ~ June 18th, 2017

It seems so strange to not be doing any Math during some of my free time on a Sunday… It’s awesome, but odd as I got into such a routine with it for nearly 6 months. So, so glad to be finished the course and I’m curious what my final grade for it is, but I won’t know that until I get my updated transcript in the mail in July most likely. I know I passed at least so that’s really all that matters and I don’t need to do anymore either *fist pump*

Lots of brainstorming/mulling over going on the last few weeks in regards to some new fitness goals. I achieved all my previous ones between last year and this year so I needed to get some new targets going to help me stay motivated.
I’ve decided to start working towards doing 100 push-ups in a row. Right now my max is 56 so I’ve got a way to go, but I enjoy push-ups and with a good, consistent plan I should be able to do it. I still plan to work at being able to do a front lever and a planche, I just won’t be super focused on them over the summer I don’t think.
Over the summer I will be mostly focused on running, try to get faster still, lots of leg & ab work, and still some weights as well. I want to be able to do 10 perfect pistol squats on each leg so hence the frequent leg work basically every other day.

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30-Day Blogging Challenge ~ Days 23 to 26

Day 23 ~ If you won the lottery…

If I won the lottery I would pay off debt, buy a house, put money aside for traveling, and invest so that money earned money.

I don’t want a big house, just something simple with a good-sized garden, a small home gym, and a fenced yard.

I am sure there are other things that I would end doing as well, but those are the first things that came to mind!

Days 24 to 26

30-Day Blogging Challenge ~ Days 19 to 22

Day 19 ~ About my family

Alright, well I have a large-ish family and here is some generic information. I have three brothers and a sister. I am the oldest and there are two years between me and my first bro, four between me and my sister, and six between me and my youngest brothers. We are not a very affectionate family and this aspect if usually very strange for other people.

Most of us are musically inclined, each of us can play several instruments and/or sing. For most of the instruments we play, we are self taught and can play by ear and several of us write our own music as well.

I share interests with all my siblings, more with my brothers than my sister, and they range from anime, Korean shows, to a love for rodents, hiking, going to the gym, to baking, firearms, and hackey sack. Pooled it’s a very eclectic variety of likes/hobbies 😀

Days 20 to 22

30-Day Blogging Challenge ~ Days 16 to 18

Day 16 ~ Do you enjoy cooking? What is the most delicious meal you have ever made?

Cooking isn’t something I enjoy. I’m not a bad cook, I just don’t like how much work/effort goes into creating an incredibly delicious meal to not be hungry by the time I finish cooking it.

One of the most delicious things I’ve ever made is probably Manicotti. I am not a big pasta eater, but that was so tasty ~ ~ ~ !

Days 17 & 18

30-Day Blogging Challenge ~ Days 12 to 15

Day 12 ~ What makes me awesome

*ahem* ~ well just everything! 😛 *wink wink*

Just kidding, of course that’s not true!

I think one thing that makes me awesome is that I am so stubborn. I know it can be just as annoying as it is awesome, but I don’t like giving up on something or someone. I would much rather try until failure and learn from my mistake and try again, than give up before trying everything that is within in my power to do.

The other thing that comes to mind is my self-control. If I decide I am doing something or not doing something then I do/don’t do it. Even if I don’t want to, I’m too tired, blah blah blah, etc. This is the main reason I can make or break habits so easily.

Days 13 to 15

Push-Up Ladder Challenge ~ Day 11 + Age of Pandora Ch 13 & 14

Push-Up Ladder Challenge D11 ~ 6 wide + 4 classic + 4 close (30sec rest)/3 sets ✔

Age of Pandora Ch.13

Sneaking into the Dreamers Temple whilst Alana the thief distracts the guards ~ L3/20reps each exercise/7 sets

bounces + bounce/bounce/squat + bounce/bounce/jumping jack + bounces + bounce/bounce/squat + bounce/bounce/split jacks

I do running laps around my downstairs for active rest between sets and running after twenty squats is not easy!

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30-Day Blogging Challenge ~ Days 9 to 11

Day 9 ~ Things I am Grateful For

One of the things I am most grateful for is that I am so healthy. I haven’t been sick in a few years, longer for things like the flu or strep throat.

I’m grateful that I have another great support system/team in place to help me with my son, it was getting very overwhelming by the end of last year trying to do everything myself.

I’m grateful for Hulkhands and that he puts up with me 😛 Cause some days I’m he wants to (figuratively) wring my neck hahaha ❤

I’m grateful that I can make new habits so easily and that I am stubborn and competitive to never give up on a person goal 😀

I could write many, many things as I am grateful for so much and this is a long list!

Days 10 & 11